Discovering what happens when you eat three dates a day
Besides sweet and wonderful taste to pass, it is very rich in vitamins as vitamin (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), and Kalmanioseom minerals, calcium and sodium essential for the body, which boost the immune system and protect against several health problems.
Thee the benefits of eating three dates a day.
1. ease the pain: It is known for Almanioseom it relaxes the nerves and prevents spasm and muscle contraction, and is also anti-inflammatory.
2. Improve digestion: Thanks to contain the dates are high in fiber, it improves digestion and prevents disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn.
3.Facilitate the process of birth: Some scientific studies have shown that pregnant women eat dates, a month before the birth, reduce the severity of pain and bleeding. It is also rich ingredients: carbohydrate that provides energy and make a stable blood sugar after birth.
4.Improve the functions of the brain: the dates is very important to strengthen the functions of the brain, vitamen (B6) improves brain function and stimulates memory, especially the neurotransmitters that help improve mood.
5._ Maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels: Maneziom Baltimore, who is working on the liquidation of the arteries of fat, also it reduces the risk of heart attacks and works to lower blood pressure and heart disease.
Do not be afraid to try eating dates on a daily basis, too many health and mind and beauty benefits.
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