Friday, April 15, 2016

What you do not know all the secrets of the apple: Did you know?

The benefits of the apple, do you know what are the benefits of apples and apple peel and apple juice, and numerous benefits of the apple, is the apple of the most useful fruit in our lives, but it is considered a natural pharmacy in the home and has a view honestly, that an apple a day keeps going to the doctor, where it has the most vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, and it is considered an important source to rid the body of toxins, and resists aging and helps to resist pollution in its ability to regenerate cells

The benefits of apples for the body :

1. Maintaining the health of teeth : the benefits of apples he maintains the health of the teeth so that helps to reduce the proportion of bacteria in the body when biting and chewing apples, where the percentage increase saliva in the body.
2. Prevention of sugar: where studies have shown that people who eat apples constantly be infected diabetic lower proportion of people who do not eat apples, where Apple is working to control blood sugar.
3. Increase the body's immune system : as it contains red apples on a substance called quercetin which is an anti-oxidant and this article works to strengthen the immune system.
4. Lower cholesterol: high cholesterol leads to many health problems over the long term. And eating apples, they are consumed plant nutrients, which lowers your LDL cholesterol levels and the proportion of the general cholesterol. One study found that eating an apple (2) per day has the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood by up to 16 percent. This shows that eating apples of the easiest ways that reduce cholesterol.
5. Facilitate the digestive process: that Apple is very good. It helps to improve digestion, especially for people who suffer from digestive problems. Apples contain a large amount of fiber that help regulate the digestive tract, making movement in the intestine smooth and reduces the pain and discomfort of indigestion and constipation.
6. Supply of energy to the body: extend the apple body appropriate natural sugars to energy in apples are good for more than just a sweet taste, as they provide the body with a boost of natural energy, this is the reason why the apple-known option for many people taking it as a snack in the early morning or after work because It tastes delicious and raise morale and provide the body with energy without the need to drink more caffeine or energy drinks.

7. Anemia : an apple has a good amount of iron, so that it provides a convenient way for the treatment of anemia. It is known that iron increases hemoglobin levels in the body, which prevents the effects of anemia. And apples from the natural sugars mixed with iron-rich content, and help to give those who suffer from the weakness and lack of energy feeling of positive energy and feeling comfortable.
8.Improves sight: can not avoid the problems of the eyes often, but fortunately, Apple can help to alleviate some of the effects of poor eyesight. Apple has a large amount of vitamin A and vitamin C, which help cure night blindness, as it promotes the health status of the eyes and can help prevent vision problems from getting worse.
9. Reduce the risk of heart disease: It is more characteristic of the apple contains antioxidant-rich and useful, apples contain antioxidants, which makes him one of the most healthy fruit for the heart. Eating one apple a day helps to avoid gathered lipid peroxidation (fat oxidation), and this reduces the risk of a long list of chronic heart disease, including cardiovascular disease.

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