Friday, May 13, 2016

4 diseases cause ??? Learn more dangerous diseases !!!!

4 diseases cause ??? Learn more dangerous diseases !!!!

Many people prefer to wake up late at night and enjoy watching movies and TV sitcoms or work at night, so as to provide a calm and dim lighting favored by a lot of people, but to look after health damage is the threat of injury in one of the serious diseases.

Keep your list of diseases that can be contracted out in the case of waking up late at night to always avoid those non-habit healthy and enjoy a quiet sleep in the evening to complete the day by day with all vigor and vitality.

1.Heart disease:
Overweight cause injury threat of cardiovascular disease, so as to cause obesity in increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, so avoid staying up at night and make sure to sleep long enough to protect against the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Scientific studies have proven that stay up late at night causes the body's secretion of the hormone ghrelin, and this hormone is responsible for increasing the feeling of hunger and lack of a feeling of fullness, also leads to a reduction of the burning body of calories contained in the food causing obesity.

A scientific study has shown that for a long time to wake up in the night threatening injury tumors by 30% especially breast cancer, so make sure to sleep enough time at night to enjoy perfect health and free of health problems resulting from waking up for a long time in the night.

A scientific study carried out by a group of scientists and doctors in England have shown that people who are sleep less than 6 hours more susceptible to diabetes than others by 12%, so it is advisable to sleep at night for a sufficient period of between 6 to 8 hours.

So advised to everyone to sleep early, to maintain the health and integrity of the brain and the safety of the entire body .

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