Sunday, April 10, 2016

Keep your skin from the summer heat in an easy way

Why protect your skin from the sun's rays?
Change in skin texture, skin wrinkles, skin cancer, the appearance of capillaries accurate skin, thickening of the skin, the epidermis deficit, sun burns, redness of the skin, discoloration of the skin and the appearance of brown spots and freckles and not to unite the color of the skin.
These reasons why women and men are also looking for a way to protect the skin

Very nice summer, and in this chapter the ladies suffer in order to protect the skin, especially facial skin from the sun and there are a lot of industrial products used to it, and we advised natural formulations available in the house so we present you with some tips:

1.Cucumber: Finally you squeeze cucumber fresh in a blender and use it directly, a cold on your skin, and you will find your skin is very smooth, recovery, and make sure that they are quite far from the drought, these steps three does not reviving only your skin, gain flexibility and softness as well.

2. Milk: Use a new piece of cotton on your skin in the second step, just moisten with milk, then rub the skin of your face and neck for 3 minutes as it did in the first step.

3. Salt: Start by doing compresses salt on your skin, all you have to do is bring a cotton swab and moisten a cup of water and salt, then use on your skin by using the technique of small circles for 3 minutes, and make sure the melting salt in the water well so as not to cause scratches to the skin.

1 piece potato
6 large spoons of milk
You can cook the potatoes and put them six spoons of milk, mixing well until the harmonies and placed on the skin for half an hour, especially in dark places to dry and wash the skin with warm water and then with lukewarm water

You can use 30 FPS Reginerst Olay skin cream exact degree of protection of the formation, and Olay White Radiance SPF 50 UV blocker degree Protection

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