Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lemon and beauty,,, Get to know the secrets of lemon and its relationship to beauty

Lemons from the available ingredients always in the kitchen and is used in many recipes and cooking along with cosmetic recipes.
Lemon is characterized by a number of health benefits for the body such as improving digestion, strengthen immunity, infection control, purifying the body of toxins and others.
 In addition to the health benefits, there are many ways in which you can use lemon to enhance the beauty of your skin and take care of your body as well.

Here are some magazines aesthetic use of lemon:

1. Skin Renewal
For supple skin free of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, use a lemon. Where lemon contains a large percentage of vitamin C, which helps regenerate skin cells and promote the production of collagen for skin more taut more vital.
Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a lemon juice and Ozei mixture on the skin of the face, neck and hands. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Repeat twice during the week to get great results.

2. remove acne scars
Lemons contain ascorbic acid, a clutch wide pores, which helps to cure acne quickly. It also contains vitamin C, which helps to lighten the color of skin and remove raised scars.
Use lemon slices to rub the affected areas of the skin, leave for 5 minutes before thoroughly rinsed. Repeat twice a day to get rid of raised scars completely.

3. treating dandruff
Ir lemon helps to cure dandruff and get rid of itchy scalp. It helps balance the acidity of the scalp coefficient, with the disposal of excess fatty secretions, one of the main factors behind the problem of dandruff. As well as it is featuring the characteristics of anti-bacterial and fungi, which works to combat the scalp infection.
Mix the lemon juice with 2 cups of water. The resulting mixture is used to rinse the hair after shampooing, leave for 5 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

4. reduce the appearance of stretch marks
Stretch marks from embarrassing problems faced by many women, which may resort to cosmetic surgery to get rid of them. But nevertheless, it shall be deemed lemon effective treatments to eliminate them completely. Where help in the lemon juice to remove dead skin cells and cell renewal acids. Vitamin C also helps also to enhance the freshness and elasticity of the skin.
Use lemon slices to rub raised stretch marks on the skin for 5 minutes, leave it to dry completely, then rinsed with warm water afterwards. It repeats on a daily basis to get the best results.

5. Teeth Whitening
White teeth of the basic signs that increase your self-confidence. Instead of resorting to various treatments to whiten your teeth, try using lemon.
Use lemon peel to rub the teeth for a few minutes, then rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm water. Repeat it daily to get white teeth attractive.

6. strengthen weak nails
Many people vulnerable and fragile nails suffers an easy break-up. Lemon juice of the best ways to strengthen weak nails. It helps vitamin C, folic acid to promote a strong and healthy nail growth, and also help to get rid of bleached spots.
Before going to sleep, soak your nails in the amount of fresh lemon juice for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and dried thoroughly. After that, apply a thin layer of olive oil or coconut oil, with wear gloves throughout the night.

7. Treatment of fractures of the feet
If you want to get rid of the appearance of foot cracked, try lemon to feel comfortable and get a soft and attractive heels.
Add ½ cup of lemon juice to the appropriate amount of warm water. Soak the foot in the previous mixture with a good rub with a soft brush. Then, thoroughly rinsed with lukewarm water with the use of moisturizing cream and wear cotton socks overnight.

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