Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Health Tips for beautiful eyes

Eye area of highly sensitive and rapid external vulnerability areas as it seems by exhaustion and fatigue and swelling rapidly, and is sleep and food the main factor for the beauty and comfort of the eyes, and there are natural ways to help significantly to rest the eye and get a pretty eye and make eyes area beautiful scenery, we offer you some The following tips:

1. milk cold: cold milk is a natural calming a good fit for the treatment of swollen eyes problems.
How to use: Apply cold milk in a deep dish, then we dip the two pieces of cotton in it, and we are squeezing them then put pieces of cotton on your eyes, until the pieces become warm and so repeat the process more than once.

2. chamomile, tea (Red & green):
Chamomile contains a substance treated infections, so it plays an important role in the treatment of eye infections and relieves them.
How to use: put two pieces of (chamomile, tea green- or red) in what boiled for three minutes, then put the bags in the refrigerator until cool off and put on your eyes for 15 minutes.

3. cucumbers:
Cucumbers contain a holding material help to solve the problems of the eyes and bulges.
How to use: we cut option to medium fish fillets and then we freeze cucumber slices on ice, then put your eye on these segments from 15 minutes to 20 minutes then wash your eyes with lukewarm water and you'll notice the difference.

There is also a natural mask used for eye comfort and makes a beautiful area of the eye and eliminates the effects of fatigue and tiredness

Honey and milk: milk spoon + spoon natural honey and mix well the mixture is placed on the eye for 3 minutes, and still with cold water, and put cold compresses water rose to 5 minutes.

And reduce health advice and ensure stimulants and eating unhealthy and do not use cosmetics and cosmetic industries using natural eye Arab eyeliner  so we can preserve the eye and its beauty.

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