Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Control high blood pressure,,,, household recipes

High blood pressure, a serious health problem, and could lead to more serious complications such as heart attack or stroke. The proper measure of the pressure should be 120/80 for men, and slightly less in women becomes 110/70. There are many reasons for the high pressure and doctors but that is not considered a high pressure has become a disease only when rising continuously for more than two weeks online, here is a human patient pressure. And the problem of pressure patients in the beginning because they believe that the high pressure transient's disease and its symptoms disappear after taking medication doses. Unfortunately, the pressure of the chronic diseases that do not address the disease over time. But the treatment of high blood pressure is just the pressure control to enable the patient to exercise his life normally. In other words, that taking daily treatment makes the patient does not suffer from anything, but only continue if the patient stops taking the medication, the symptoms endure again. Therefore the doctor patient level with high pressure that will be fine, provided that addresses the daily medication for life. Disease and high blood pressure related to lifestyle, such as the lives of complacency and laziness, and eating a lot of salty foods, and obesity, and smoking. Therefore there are several instructions from doctor to patient pressure of what to do and what not to do. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should see a doctor immediately to get the medication is suitable for your condition. While taking the drug can follow some effective home recipes that help control high blood pressure. These recipes are:

Of the reasons for the high pressure is the accumulation of fat in the arteries that makes the arteries stiff and lose their flexibility. Lemon and restores flexibility to the arteries again thereby helping to lower high blood pressure. The lemon contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and works as an antioxidant, which protects against the risk of heart attacks.

Melon seeds
Melon seeds contain a substance that helps to expand the arteries, and this lowers high blood pressure. That article of kidney function also improved and this has a direct impact in lowering high blood pressure. Watermelon itself has the same effect in reducing high blood pressure by widening the arteries, but by less. Nationalist grinding dried watermelon seeds and eat them a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon in the evening. Or you can boil the dried seeds in water and leave it for an hour to extract the active substance is then filtered and you can eat half a cup in the morning and half a cup in the evening.

Many medical studies have proven the effectiveness of garlic in reducing high blood pressure. Fresh garlic and cooked and even the effect on high blood pressure. Garlic has other benefits which reduce the percentage of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Eating clove or two lobes of garlic directly or with a glass of milk.

the banana
Bananas contain potassium, a substance that reduces the effect of sodium in hypertension. And you can eat the fruit or Tmrtin of bananas throughout the day.

Celery contains extended substance of the arteries and thus reduce high blood pressure. Celery also contains other material reduces the secretion of stress hormones that make arteries constrict and cause high blood pressure.

There are also some foods such as honey, onions, fenugreek, which has a positive effect in reducing high blood pressure.
And ensure the exercise of the clock are also regular daily walking reduces high blood pressure.

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