Saturday, February 20, 2016

A diet rich in fats have a 7 benefits know it.

You must have heard about the benefits of diets few carbohydrates and high in fat, but it may be your misfortune is some doubt about their effectiveness, and attributes this to the lack of clarity of how this diet.
Many people have been believed for a long time that meals rich in fat lead to health consequences, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Many people have been believed for a long time that meals rich in fat lead to health consequences, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

But there are recent studies have divided this and attributed the real cause of weight gain and deteriorating health to the carbohydrates and not fat as most people think.
American has written Nina Taizholtz book on the subject called "the big surprise of the fat" talk it all that butter, meat and cheese are healthy meals after nine years of intensive research and reveals in her book about diets few carbohydrates have not been tested by the doctors nutrition experts in reality we, so we would be led to this kind of diets without any evidence suggesting authenticity.

In contrast, the few foods rich in cholesterol, fat has been thoroughly tested and tried and they seem to prove useful again and again.

1. Useful for weight loss:
According to a study underwent 30 teenagers suffering from obesity has some of them eating a few meals carbohydrate versus others ate a low-fat meals, and the result of this study that on average, those who have committed low-carbohydrate Bhmyat lost weight twice as much lost those who have committed low-fat Bhmyat .

2. amazing results, especially for women:
A randomized trial was held on 53 women suffering from obesity and who have undergone either a low-fat diet or a low-carbohydrate diet, where this study revealed that women who followed a diet Kulailhalkrbohadarat did not lose the weakness of others Makhosrnh but also noticed a decrease in the proportion of triglycerides in the blood and is one of the main causes of disease the heart.

3. reduce the feeling of hunger:
One of the most difficult things that you faced when you followed a diet that is the feeling of hunger, though, the few diet rich in fats and carbohydrates make you feel full because you always Stokhven proficiency of proteins, which the body needs food except calories.

4. speeding up the weight loss process:
When you get rid of carbohydrates and protein, Turkzan Aldohn you'll notice a significant change in weight in the first week because your body in this way will lose a lot of its excess water.

5. stubborn fat will disappear:
One of the most dangerous fat on the body fat that is centered around the abdominal area, and this type of fat may cause an imbalance in the metabolic process, which in turn cause health problems such as diabetes type II diabetes.
Few carbohydrate diet reduces the fat and thus a lot of fat you lose body comes from this region.

6. raises cholesterol advantageous rate:
Good cholesterol, or HDL is called as a lipid proteins that Alkolstrulaldhar expelled from the body to the liver where it is either recycled in the body or get rid of it. A diet rich in fats raise the rate of HDL and thus reduce the proportion of LDL cholesterol in the body.

7. reduce high blood pressure:
Studies have shown that this type of diets reduce blood pressure significantly higher, which reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease and kidney.

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