Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What is the term wakefulness the health of the body damage?

More exercise habits of the majority of people wakefulness long, one of the worst habits at all, the more habits that greatly affect the body and mind health, work, and the nature of life.
It is the nature of life, sleep early to preserve the activity and the health of the body and maintain the vitality of the body by giving members enough time to rest and work to get ready for work the next day and normal life, and in the Islamic religion and the Holy Quran , God commanded us to do so.

Almighty God said in the Koran, which was revealed to the master of creation (Muhammad) (peace be upon him) :

(وَجَعَلْنَا نَوْمَكُمْ سُبَاتًا )

 .And made your sleep [a means for] rest

(وَجَعَلْنَا اللَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا)

And made the night as clothing

وَجَعَلْنَا النَّهَارَ مَعَاشًا)

And made the day for livelihood .

We offer you the damages caused by wakefulness:

1. reduce the efficiency of the muscular body :

Experiments conducted by a number of physical education scientists proved that bodily functions increases strength and decreases from time to time during the day; where muscle efficiency appear, and begin to increase gradually at four in the morning, with a maximum range at seven o'clock in the morning, and continue until eleven pm; where the level begins to gradually decline until three o'clock in the afternoon; where gradually increasing until at six in the evening, then returns to the gradual decline again, and the large decline begins at nine o'clock at night, and has a range at three o'clock in the morning.

2. malfunction of the immune system :
Causing ensure lack of sleep an imbalance in the immune system, which is the first defense against diseases line, which means the beginning of the body collapse in front of illnesses and when Haul this device, this means simply collapse; that this device programmer vigilance and hours of sleep needed by the human hours, and when a change in the daily cycle infected immune system jamming and chaos.

3. the risk of insomnia:
Insomnia is not a lack of sleep, it is a bedroom scene, which is one in which the nap and attention, and Insomniac his unremitting do not settle, it fluctuates on his bed in every direction, and wiling to sleep in various ways without interest, and sometimes have an idea preoccupied with the issue of ensuring whether it's a movie a TV or a problem at work, for example. If spilled insomnia a few nights sapped the forces of the person, and his mind stopped all production.

4. spinal deformity:
Ensure frequent lead to deformities in the spine as a result of sitting for long periods in front of the TV and the other, especially if you sit incorrectly, where the injured skeletal damage and deformities in the bones and vertebrae, and thus the incidence of spinal curvature.

It also wakefulness a long period affects the sexual power in men and women and affects the genitals and the strength and effectiveness of the physical work, much of the disease also causes.

Lead to stay up late at night for long periods to a lack of the hormone melatonin, which is produced by the brain during sleep at night. It is known that the hormone melatonin is a hormone secreted by a small gland in the size of a grain of lupine found in the brain known as the pineal gland ,. This hormone is responsible for regulating the vital rhythm in the human body; the hormone melatonin works to reduce the psychological and mental disorders, which explains the control of the feelings of pessimism and anxiety, and a tendency to unity and isolation from others with the person who has a lot of staying up at night.

There are many studies suggest that melatonin has other effects, such as its anti-cancer and aging and oxidation, fertility and libido and immune system.

After that we got together to ensure damage-term health of the body, do you still insisting on staying up at night ?