Thursday, May 5, 2016

Learn the benefits of cinnamon,, prevention of cancer and bad breath.

Learn the benefits of cinnamon,, prevention of cancer and bad breath.

There are plenty of studies published by researchers at the US Department of Agriculture confirmed that many of Cinnamon and amazing benefits for human health, increase vitality and activity to him. Not only this, but there are other medical benefits of the amazing cinnamon know them as follows:

Cancer Prevention
Cinnamon plays an important role in the prevention of cancer, as they contain enzymes that work on cell division, therefore it does not leave room for the formation of cancer cells, plus they are a powerful source of calcium and fiber.

Lower cholesterol
It helps to high burn rate in the human body, and the elimination of bile salts in the body, it can help reduce cholesterol in the body.

Activity improved blood circulation
Cinnamon contains a large proportion of a compound called "coumarin", which helps to overcome the incidence of blood clots.

Cinnamon helps in alleviating arthritis, due to the anti-inflammatory properties.

Treat headaches
Cinnamon suitable solution for headaches caused by exposure to cold air.

Relieve menstrual pain
Using drink hot cinnamon often by women, pain during the menstrual cycle, being generating menstruation.

Prevention of urinary tract infection
The study showed that people who eat cinnamon on a permanent basis, they have no problems in the urinary tract.

Tag:cinnamon,urinary , menstrual ,cholesterol

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