Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Make your hair long and soft and lustrous, from nature

The length of hair and beauty topics are very important for women, and that much of the attention has, and women may spend enormous sums in order to get a long and silky and lustrous hair.
There are a lot of ways and recipes that work on hair length, but we may find a few who have proven to be effective in this area so we put you the best ways that give hair length fit and healthy and safe manner.
But before that, it makes it clear that women interest in their hair and maintain a long thick soft is the genetic traits that characterize women important sign of femininity signs that may make men look at a woman differently, and the long hair fits different hairdos, which often require a long poem to be applied. Which helps hair to grow naturally and heavy proper nutrition, which provides the necessary elements for the hair to maintain the luster and freshness:
1. Eating meat and chicken proteins of the most important foods that provide the body with amino acids and makes hair grow thick.
2. Vitamin biotin of the most important vitamins that keeps hair In case of shortage of hair exposed to loss was found in spinach and is available in most foods.
3. B vitamins and is found in whole grains and also in the form of medical pills sold in various pharmacies of the most important vitamins required for strengthening and lengthening hair.

There are some ways to lengthen the hair and give him strength and luster appropriate height, oils and herbal therapy, including:
• Sesame oil: Contains vitamin E, an antioxidant, to lengthen the hair and make it smooth.
• Arugula oil: reduces hair loss, helps hair growth.
• almond oil over.
• sweet almond oil: an anti-oxidant oil is good for hair.
• Olive oil: oil that are recommended by the hair and body because they contain a lot of useful material.
• Jojoba oil: Gives hair smoothness and gloss of the hair and helps growth.
• castor oil: Helps intensify hair, and lengthening hair.

Oil mixing method, it is very important to focus on confused way and work

The mixing of these oils in equal proportions and then wash the hair thoroughly cleans and dries, and then placed on the scalp and the scalp massage gently so up the oil on all scalp parts of the head, and then it is covered hot towel for two hours after which it is washed well with shampoo.

Remind you madam must be a measure of culture and knowledge that much of the lotions and devices used for hair styling and care for him have a negative and harmful to the hair impact might affect their mixtures used for lengthening or even when you follow a healthy diet and remind seshwar which leads used extensively on Tgosaiv hair and hair loss, as well as dyes used in hair coloring different colors, which contain a lot of harmful chemicals to the hair follicles, leading to hair loss and the damage it .

Tag words
(hair, glossy and attractive, way, lengthening, hairstyle, gloss, hair beauty, hair length, hair washing, feminine, enchanting hair)

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