Tuesday, April 19, 2016

3,, refreshing juices for a day total energy and vitality

Drinks from health useful things, increasing to being refreshing, it is vital and gives energy to the human body.
We chose you here are three types of juices, refreshing and rich in antioxidants, your body will grant immunity that will help in overcoming fatigue, and will save you from a range of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

1. cranberry juice :
- And a half cup of berries or soft frozen .
- 2 kernels of bananas .
- Few cinnamon .
- 1 cup of water .
- 3 beads of dates .

2. cranberry juice :
- 2 cups of cranberries or frozen .
- Cup of manga .
- 1 cup of water .
- 1 cup of spinach .

3. cranberry juice :
- Cup of pineapple .
- a cup of water .
- Glass of orange  juice .

How to prepare :

Put the components of the individual components in an electric mixer. We grind well to blend all the elements to enjoy the delicious taste of each juice. These juices are characterized flavor and tastes great too numerous and useful for everyone and benefits.

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