Saturday, March 12, 2016

Irritable bowel syndrome ... eating habits for the treatment of

You're not alone to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, which entails some annoying symptoms occur, such as abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea infection through frequent intervals, constant fatigue, headaches, blood pressure or low height sometimes. Diet that you must follow in order to challenge these symptoms occur.

Not yet discovered the real causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Some cases may be caused by a bacterial infection of the stomach and intestine level, while others are linked to the disorder of intestinal environment level. However, experts agree that food and stress are two of the common factors in most cases. So, we offer you these tips:

Choose soluble fiber
In fact, these fibers have the soothing to the digestive system with fiber non-soluble lead to a contraction of intestinal. In this case it relied on:
- Oatmeal and bran.
- All contain quinoa.
- Jawadar (bread and flour).
And say goodbye to the fiber is soluble in:
- Everything that contains wheat: bread, couscous, etc.
- Nuts, whole grains: almonds, peanuts, flaxseed, etc.

Reliance on a diet lacks fat
Yes, you should refrain from eating fats of all kinds: good and unsaturated, as well as the bad and saturated ... it slows the digestive process and lead to convulsions on the digestive system level. Avoid if:

- Fried foods: potatoes, chicken, fish, 
- High-fat sauces.
- Meat, birds and fish fatty acids.

Give up the foods that cause gas

You are bound by it, because these foods may lead to your discomfort, including:
- Beans containing starch: chick peas, red beans, soy beans ...
- Fructose fruits: apples, dates, figs ...
-  family roots: cauliflower, broccoli, ...

- Pigments containing sorbitol and mannitol : chewing gum, sugar-free candy, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Choose your gut allies
- Probiotics : are benign intestinal bacteria promote the environment and fights harmful bacteria and stimulate the digestive process and address the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and reduce the nation. The gut contains 100 trillion of them and you keep them eat fermented foods such as yogurt and supplements.
- Herbs: Spices are like a nightmare for your gut, especially if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. So Replace flavored with herbs such as basil, mint, oregano, Alsattabr, dill, beets, cilantro, parsley, catnip . it leads to relax your gut.

Follow these habits
- Doctrinaire to reduce feelings of stress through exercise, yoga, learn the correct breathing techniques, 
- Eat your food slowly and at specific times, ie, every 3 to 4 hours and with less at a time.

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