Monday, February 8, 2016

Skin whitening of eggs and juice grapefruit Mask

Skin whitening of eggs and juice grapefruit Mask

Nature is always full of wonderful health of the blessings that you give to humans, in order to critique the day Madam white mask and grapefruit to lighten the skin.

Bring egg white and a teaspoon of natural grapefruit juice and lemon juice and natural teaspoons full-fat sour cream.


* Batters whiteness in a deep bowl until it becomes a foam
* In another bowl mix sour cream with grapefruit and lemon juice
* Add the white scrambled to the other mixture and mix.
* Apply the mixture on your face and leave 15 minutes
* Wash your face with warm water
The mask is placed three times a week before going to sleep
It is very useful because it contains a protein found in eggs contain anti-bacterial properties, which protects the skin from external factors and inflammation.

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