Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Magical mask to renew the skin, face and body (coffee mask)

Magical mask to renew the skin, face and body (coffee mask)
Mask coffee magical for face care, skin and body, is considered one of the best ways that are used for skin care body where it proved to be effective and strong impact on the integrity of the skin and health and many of the manufacturers of cosmetics used Alkvaian in their products to effect unique to protect the skin from wrinkles industry.

We offer you explain the way the recipe and components and benefits:
the component :
Half a cup of ground coffee
Half a cup of unsweetened cocoa
A tablespoon of lemon juice (for dry skin; you can use olive oil or almond oil)
A tablespoon of honey (for oily skin; Use more lemon juice instead of honey)
Container .

Interest components:
Milk seeds: Reduces inflammation and redness of the face, and hides dark circles under the eyes because it works on the peeling and removing dead skin.
Cocoa: its high content of antioxidants that attack the free Sisters harmful and that its percentage of elemental sulfur which addresses acne.
Milk: It is said that Cleopatra was used to take care of milk Bbchertha, since milk contains lactic acid is important for the skin It also has amino acids keeps the skin moist.
Lemon juice: It works Huskers for the skin, which contains vitamin C, which increases the freshness of the skin
Honey: a natural moisturizer is excellent.

How to Prepare article? :
Nationalist adding ground coffee to cocoa powder in the bowl, then my guest to them milk and nationalist stirring until you have a thick paste, then nationalist add a little milk with the addition of lemon juice and honey, then the nationalist-cum on your face and leave it to dry (for 20 minutes) Tmqoma washed with water Keep the surplus in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
To make him a good peeled: national massage in a circular motion suspended and face for 1-2 minutes, then leave to dry.
To remove dark circles under the eyes: nationalist adding olive oil or milk to coffee and make a paste and place the bottom of your eyes every day and Artkih until dry and then rinse with water, where he will Alkvaian found in coffee strengthen blood circulation and treat infections that cause the appearance of these black marks.

We wish you health and interest

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