Saturday, January 30, 2016

Diet spaghetti .... for lovers of spaghetti ... The good news

spaghetti of contraband for researchers Dieting and weight loss, but the happy news is that pasta can contribute to achieve your goal of losing weight, if committed several related to the selection of pasta and timing of carbohydrate intake in general matters.

For many years to spread the idea that the pasta does not fit the researchers for fitness and weight loss and was part of meals prohibited the  Specialist  nutrition and diet because they cause weight gain, but the truth is that spaghetti in itself does not increase the weight, but the problem usually is the additives that are used with it, such as cream cheese and the different types of sauce that increase the amount of calories in pasta meal.

According to data from the German Society for Nutrition, the number of calories in pasta no more than rice, and that for every 100 grams of spaghetti contains 134 calories, on average, according to the quality of flour made from it.

The surprise is that the pasta itself may be a means of reducing weight, but only follow a few steps. The most important point in the selection of pasta made from flour and dark that helps to raise blood sugar slowly and thus speed up the feeling of satiety. Cooking method also play a major role in the effect of food on the weight, and here, according to the magazine "Brigitte" German experts advise, not to boil the pasta completely because this makes it easier to get rid of the fat process and not stored. Contents can not be overlooked that it is cooked with pasta, it prefers to stay away from high-calorie products and rely on fresh vegetables or tuna.

In the same context, it concluded the study published by the site "May Doc" German, that the best time to eat carbohydrates in general community fitness, is the evening.
The study included a group of people are overweight, were divided into two groups, only dealt with the first group of carbohydrates in the evening, while the second group distributed the same amount on the three meals.

Showed examination and regular blood of the subject to study for six months, the presence of three hormones in the blood: the hormone satiety known Balleptan which is secreted during the day in small quantities and over the night, and hormone hunger known Bahlgrelin, which increase the rate usually in the blood during the day periods and fall at night. The final hormone is Odabounktin, and associated with the process of metabolism and that appears simple quantities by those who suffer from obesity.

The result showed that eating carbohydrates in the evening, contributed to a change in the secretion of three hormones rates, as the hormone leptin ratio increased during the day while the decline in hunger hormone (ghrelin) during the day and then rose slightly, as Alodabounktin secretion rate rose. The result of this change, the decline in the feeling of hunger was recorded as a reduction in weight in sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood.

The result of this study confirm that carbohydrates could be a way for researchers to fitness, especially when choosing the right time to address them.

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