Sunday, May 8, 2016

Do you know the right time to secede from the partner?

Do you know the right time to secede from the partner?

 Many couples know cooled and cooled in a marital relationship, but they nevertheless continue to pretend they are happy and successful in front of others. The front of themselves, they know full well that the emotional relationship ended a long time ago, and all the rest of it memories or images.
Often women are more bears this abusive situation her psychologically and physically, because man by nature does not stop at these things, and looking for comfort outside the home. Unlike women who sacrifice for children, social status and others.

In some cases, you must take the crucial decision, do not put pressure on yourself, and take step if:

* If you are the only ones that make sacrifices and tender relationship.
* If there is no longer room for fun, even a smile.
* If you feel that you Tnjzban other men and Tgarnehm your husband.
* If the disappearance of emotional and sexual communication.
* If you do not you return my body to improve the attraction towards him.
* If you criticize without reason, you are not convinced of it.
* If he feels that he lives his life and leave you in the problems of children and the house without thinking of you.
* If it no longer offers a positive emotional steps and does not effort to make you happy.

Sometimes man finds some difficulty in dealing with a partner, and the advice is patience so that we can understand ourselves and give the correct domain taking too much time, so do not rush into any move that could be harmful to us.