Monday, May 30, 2016

!!!Best tricks and ways to hide the rumen

Best tricks and ways to hide the rumen .

There are many who suffer from Potbelly is causing embarrassment and health problems as well.
So you have to start first in sport, but if you do not get quick results here are dear man tricks to hide Potbelly simple ways to choose your clothes.

* When you choose the clothes we choose dark colors black color is preferred because it hides body flaws dramatically.

* Completely avoid clothes that contain carvings, it gives the body a larger size.

* Raise the sleeves trick fool others in to your look, as the lifting sleeves appears sporty and contemporary look, this display unit eases your waist dramatically.

* You must choose clothes suitable for the size of your body and avoid baggy clothes they do not hide potbelly, as some believe, but give you a huge manifestation.

* Do not wear many layers of clothing, this will also give you a huge appearance.

* One of the most important ways to look slimmer look is to straighten your back while you walk and sit, and in this way would look like a thinner while you go out, because the back straight will make the waist look smaller than it is.