Saturday, May 21, 2016

3 tips for do you live the best love story in your life

 3 tips for do you live the best love story in your life

Whether you are aware of it or not, we control the conduct of love stories in which we live.
At the beginning of every relationship, we receive a lot of emotions, love, attention, and it automatically and large quantities. But continue to have some of the difficulties encountered in maintaining the same attention and the same amount of emotional shipments.

3 Tips to continue to love and passion between you:

* The courage: an essential condition for the success of a love relationship. You must be able to trust in a partner, knowing that the greater the confidence, the greater the proportion of torment and imprisonment. But The courage required to break down barriers and borders, rounded feelings. As we need to confront the partner honestly and openly.

* Each one of the two parties struggling as potential, this must show mercy toward ourselves and partner. This trait, helps us to see things from other perspectives and angles, rather than have to stay parked at our own. Help us to understanding, tolerance, and overcome the mistakes and difficult situations.

* Participation, is the interest of others. It is one of the most powerful that can be characterized by its partners, as this helps them to pay attention to each other, to understand different opinions, communicate and create a shared passion for creating things and increase the proportion of their emotions.

People who are going through in our lives teach us a lot, agitate our thoughts, our emotions, and give us the desire to continue .. Through these relationships, we get to the stage of seeing ourselves in a clear and transparent, to re-discover new things.