Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wonderful home remedies to get rid of freckles to choose from what suits you and fits your skin

We present the three best ways to get rid of freckles in a natural way and without side effects and gives the skin gloss and appearance and renewed bewitching young skin.

Honey: is one of the most important items that contain enzymes that help lighten the skin and get rid of freckles, as it gives the skin moisture and good occasion.
  It can also benefit:
1. Mix honey with wheat seed and Place the mixture on your skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your skin with warm water once and then cold water, and repeat it twice a week to get rid of freckles.
2. Mix honey and milk and Apply the mixture on places freckles and leave for half an hour, then rinse your skin with warm water, repeat it daily you get effective results.

Yogurt: yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps in getting rid of freckles, and it is very helpful for those who suffer from skin allergies. All you have to do is:
• Apply yogurt on the skin and freckles places and leave it for some time, and rather than rinse it with water Wipe your skin with a tissue or a soft towel, then put moisturizer on your skin and it works every day until get rid of freckles completely.
• Rinse your skin daily with milk curd and if you do not have that Use milk instead.

Lemon juice: Lemons contain properties help to lighten the skin and get rid of dark spots and freckles them. All you have to do to take advantage of it to get rid of freckles is:
• Put the lemon juice on your skin and surrounded freckles and leave from tenth to a quarter of an hour places, then rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
• Repeat twice a day you get a result faster.
• As you can mix the sugar with the lemon juice and rub the skin with them, but very gently circular motions, then rinse your skin with lukewarm water and then repeat it twice a week.